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Duke's Indoor Barn Hunt Ring

Barn Hunt is a nose game. Live rats are put (safely) into tubes and hidden throughout our 20x30 fenced barn hunt ring. The ring is filled with an obstacle course built out of straw bales. Your dog searches the ring for the rats and learns to alert you when they have found it!

Duke's Barn Hunt Services
Duke's offers several different barn hunt services throughout the year. Including individual private lessons, practice sessions, group "open ring nights" and even group classes!
Each service provides different opportunities to get involved with the sport, depending on your barn hunt experience. Please visit the Book Online page to learn more about each service.
Our Barn Hunt group classes and open ring nights fill quickly. If you do not see any listed on the Book Online page follow our Facebook page to stay up to date on new classes & you can also request to join Duke's Rat Pack Facebook Group for updates on the next round
Please Note: Anyone using Duke's barn hunt ring is required to read & agree to our barn hunt rules HERE!
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