Duke’s Dock Diving Club
Duke’s hosts a dock diving club for active dock divers each season. We meet up as a group at Duke's and our scores are recorded and reported to National K9 Dock League where dozens of other dock diving clubs all across the Country compete against each other to be named the top club of the year!
Club nights are ran similar to an "Open Dock" format where everyone takes turns using the dock. We plan potlucks, cook outs, games, drinks and have TONS of FUN!! Our club usually meets up on the 2nd and 4th Friday each month at 5 pm between May-August each year.
Check back in the Spring of 2024 to get you and your pup signed up! We will add sign ups to the BOOK ONLINE once registation has opened.
In the meantime, join Duke's Dock Diving Club Faebook Page to stay up to date on all things Club Night!
PLEASE NOTE: Club nights are NOT for brand new dogs. Please see "Eligibilty Requirements" below. Staff will not be “on duty” to help new dogs during club nights! Everyone will be on their own, taking turns, practicing. Dogs should already be dock diving. If your dog isn't actively diving off the dock yet, we suggest scheduliing a dock diving lesson to work on it.
National K9 Dock League
National K9 Dock Diving League is the league Duke's Club particpates in during the season. All of our scores are reported to the NK9DL and compared to other Clubs around the US. The next season begins in May 2024.
In September, Duke's will host the National K9 Dock Diving League Championship.
For more information about National K9 Dock Diving League please visit NK9DL's website or Facebook Page.
PLEASE NOTE There is a an additonal league fee that each team is required to pay at that start of each season that goes directly to National K9 Dock League for tracking and reporting all of the different clubs and teams scores. The fees was $15/team in 2023. This is paid to the club captain onsite at the start of the season. This fees is seperate from the money paid to Duke's for use of the facility.
Eligibility Requirements
#1 - Must have attended at a minimum of 2 private lessons Duke’s in the last 2 years.
#2 - Dog must already be competing OR jumping off the big dock without hesitation.
#3 - Dog must be friendly w/people and other dogs. If there is any concern that your dog may be aggressive towards other dogs, a private session is the best option for you.
#4 - You must be friendly with other people! If there is any concern that you are a Debbie Downer, rude, mean or inconsiderate, another venue all together is the best option for you!